
async get_transaction(hash: str) -> dict

Get the details of a transaction by its hash.


  • hash (str): The transaction hash.


  • dict: The transaction details, including the decoded input data if available.


  • TransactionNotFound: If the transaction is not found.

Example usage:

transaction = await tron_client.get_transaction("0xbee7c8234683d0835878b7ee04094af486593d5a1042f060a17e35e5fe9a5b22")
print("tx_data", transaction)


tx_data {'blockHash': '0x0000000002d3228b5189c60781b3ef1aa64382fae5f715649052305ab093f230',
'blockNumber': '0x2d3228b', 'from': '0xd3682962027e721c5247a9faf7865fe4a71d5438',
'gas': '0x3476', 'gasPrice': '0x1a4',
'hash': '0xbee7c8234683d0835878b7ee04094af486593d5a1042f060a17e35e5fe9a5b22',
'input': '0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000e2b1a24707701dd1d1bc72d18aef7ca9dfa75'
'nonce': '0x0000000000000000', 'r':
's': '0x1da7dc2a635b32647038cff56464fe2e9951f743ee1cd5955c31a6082f3fa0eb',
'to': '0xea51342dabbb928ae1e576bd39eff8aaf070a8c6',
'transactionIndex': '0x0', 'type': '0x0', 'v': '0x1b', 'value': '0x0',
'aiotx_decoded_input': {'function_name': 'transfer',
'parameters': {'_to': '0xe2b1a24707701dd1d1bc72d18aef7ca9dfa7545d',
'_value': 50000000000}}}

The get_transaction method retrieves the details of a transaction using its hash. It returns a dictionary containing the transaction details, including the decoded input data if available.

The aiotx_decoded_input field in the returned transaction dictionary contains the decoded input data, which provides information about the function call and its parameters.

Note: The addresses in the returned transaction data are in hexadecimal format. If you need to convert the addresses to Base58 format, you can use the hex_address_to_base58 function:

tron_client = AioTxTRONClient("NODE_URL")
# Example usage
base58_address = tron_client.hex_address_to_base58("0xd3682962027e721c5247a9faf7865fe4a71d5438")

Output: TVF2Mp9QY7FEGTnr3DBpFLobA6jguHyMvi

The hex_address_to_base58 function takes a hexadecimal address as input and converts it to Base58 format using the tronpy library. If the input address starts with the “0x” prefix, it replace it by 41. If the input is not a valid hexadecimal address, it raises a TypeError exception.