UTXO client


The Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) Client is a parent client for UTXO-based cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC). These cryptocurrencies share similar logic in many aspects, so they are merged into the same parent client.

The AioTxBTCClient and AioTxLTCClient are derived classes of AioTxUTXOClient and are specifically designed to interact with Bitcoin and Litecoin networks, respectively.

Please note that when reading this documentation, the methods can be used for any UTXO-based cryptocurrency supported by the library.


To create an instance of AioTxBTCClient or AioTxLTCClient, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • node_url: The URL of the node to connect to.

  • headers (dict, optional): The list of headers what will be used for interactions with node

  • testnet (optional): A boolean indicating whether to use the testnet network (default is False).

  • node_username (optional): The username for authentication with the node (default is an empty string).

  • node_password (optional): The password for authentication with the node (default is an empty string).

  • db_url (optional): The URL of the database to store transaction and UTXO data (default is “sqlite+aiosqlite:///aiotx_utxo.sqlite”).

from aiotx.clients import AioTxBTCClient, AioTxLTCClient
import asyncio

async def main():
    # Create a Bitcoin client instance for mainnet
    btc_mainnet_client = AioTxBTCClient(

    # Create a Litecoin client instance for testnet
    ltc_testnet_client = AioTxLTCClient(

    # Use the client instances to interact with the respective networks
    # ...


In this example, we create instances of AioTxBTCClient and AioTxLTCClient by providing the necessary parameters. The testnet parameter is set to True for the Litecoin client to indicate that we want to use the testnet.

Important Note

Please note that the UTXO client functionality in AioTx heavily relies on a database to store and manage UTXO data. Without a properly configured database, the UTXO client will not work as intended. The database is essential for monitoring addresses, tracking UTXOs, and preventing double-spending. SQLite Database (Default)

By default, AioTx uses SQLite as the database backend. AioTx will automatically create and manage the SQLite database file for you. The SQLite database file will be created in the same directory as your Python script with the name aiotx_utxo.sqlite

Database Storage

AioTx stores transaction and UTXO data in a database for efficient monitoring and management. You can use either SQLite or MySQL as the database backend. Both options have been tested and are working well.

To use SQLite (default), simply provide the SQLite database URL when creating the client instance:

btc_client = AioTxBTCClient(

To use MySQL, provide the MySQL database URL:

btc_client = AioTxBTCClient(

The client will automatically create the necessary tables in the database to store address, UTXO, and block information.

Database Tables

AioTx uses the following tables to store UTXO and related data:

Table Name



Stores the imported addresses and their associated block numbers.


Stores the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) data, including transaction ID, output index, address, amount in satoshis, and whether it has been used.


Stores the last processed block number for each currency.

The table names are prefixed with the currency name (e.g., “bitcoin_addresses”, “litecoin_utxo”) to allow storing data for multiple currencies in the same database.

UTXO Logic

AioTx uses the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model to manage and track the available funds for each address. The UTXO model is used by Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other UTXO-based cryptocurrencies.

When an address is imported using the import_address method, AioTx starts monitoring the blockchain for transactions involving that address from the specified block number onwards. It stores the UTXO data in the {currency}_utxo table, including the transaction ID, output index, address, amount in satoshis, and whether the UTXO has been spent.

When a new transaction is detected for an imported address, AioTx updates the UTXO table accordingly. If the transaction creates a new UTXO for the address, it is added to the table with the used flag set to False. If the transaction spends an existing UTXO, the corresponding entry in the table is marked as used by setting the used flag to True.

The get_balance method retrieves the balance of an address by summing the amounts of all unused UTXOs associated with that address.

When creating a new transaction using the send or send_bulk methods, AioTx selects the necessary UTXOs to cover the transaction amount and fee. It marks those UTXOs as used in the database to prevent double-spending.

The {currency}_last_block table keeps track of the last processed block number for each currency. This allows AioTx to resume monitoring from the last processed block in case of a restart or interruption. The monitor subclass handles the database initialization and performs the necessary database operations.

By utilizing the UTXO model and storing the relevant data in the database, AioTx provides an efficient way to manage and monitor the available funds for each imported address.

Note: The specific implementation details of the UTXO logic may vary depending on the cryptocurrency and the client subclass being used (e.g., AioTxBTCClient, AioTxLTCClient).


You can use that clients for network monitoring.

To use the UTXO client, you first need to create an instance of the desired client class (AioTxBTCClient or AioTxLTCClient) by providing the necessary parameters such as the node URL, node username (optional), node password (optional), and testnet flag.

Once you have the client instance, you can use the available methods to interact with the respective cryptocurrency network. These methods may include retrieving block information, generating wallets, sending transactions, and more.

Please refer to the individual method documentations for detailed information on how to use each method provided by the UTXO client classes.
