
Create a new wallet and generate its corresponding private key, public key, and address.


  • tuple: A tuple containing the following keys:
    • private_key (str): The private key of the wallet.

    • address (str): The address of the wallet.

The wallet is created using a hierarchical deterministic (HD) key derivation path specific to the cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or Litecoin) and network (mainnet or testnet).

The derived keys and address are generated as follows: - The private key is derived from the HD key using the specified derivation path. - The hash160 (RIPEMD-160 hash of the SHA-256 hash) of the public key is calculated. - The address is generated by encoding the hash160 using the bech32 format with the appropriate prefix based on the cryptocurrency and network.

Example usage:

# Create a Bitcoin client instance for mainnet
btc_mainnet_client = AioTxBTCClient(

# Generate a Bitcoin wallet with mainnet bech32 address
btc_mainnet_wallet = btc_mainnet_client.create_wallet()
print("Bitcoin mainnet wallet:", btc_mainnet_wallet)

# Create a Litecoin client instance for testnet
ltc_testnet_client = AioTxLTCClient(
    node_url="https://litecoin-testnet-node-url", testnet=True

# Generate a Litecoin wallet with testnet bech32 address
ltc_testnet_wallet = ltc_testnet_client.create_wallet()
print("Litecoin testnet wallet:", ltc_testnet_wallet)


Litecoin testnet wallet: {

Note: - The testnet parameter in the client initialization determines whether the wallet is created for the mainnet or testnet. - The derivation path and wallet prefix are set based on the specific cryptocurrency and network.

  • For Bitcoin mainnet, the derivation path is "m/84'/0'/0'/0/0" and the prefix is 'bc'.

  • For Bitcoin testnet, the derivation path is "m/84'/0'/0'/0/0" and the prefix is 'tb'.

  • For Litecoin mainnet, the derivation path is "m/84'/2'/0'/0/0" and the prefix is 'ltc'.

  • For Litecoin testnet, the derivation path is "m/84'/2'/0'/0/0" and the prefix is 'tltc'.