
async def send_bulk(
    private_key: str,
    destinations: dict[str, int],
    total_fee: Optional[int],
    fee_per_byte: Optional[int],
    conf_target: int = 6,
    estimate_mode: FeeEstimate = FeeEstimate.CONSERVATIVE,
    deduct_fee: bool = False
) -> str:

Send a bulk transaction on the Bitcoin network.

The send_bulk method is similar to the send method, but it allows sending a transaction to multiple recipients in a single transaction. The main difference is that instead of accepting a single recipient address and amount, it accepts a dictionary of recipient addresses and their corresponding amounts.


  • private_key (str): The private key of the sender.

  • destinations (dict[str, int]): A dictionary where the keys are the recipient Bitcoin addresses and the values are the amounts in satoshis to send to each address.

  • total_fee (Optional[int]): The total transaction fee in satoshis. If provided, this fee will be used for the transaction. If not provided, the fee will be automatically estimated based on the fee_per_byte or the conf_target and estimate_mode.

  • fee_per_byte (Optional[int]): The fee per byte in satoshis. If provided, this value will be used to calculate the transaction fee based on the transaction size. If not provided, the fee will be estimated based on the conf_target and estimate_mode.

  • conf_target (int, optional): The confirmation target, which represents the number of blocks within which the transaction should be confirmed. Default is 6 blocks.

  • estimate_mode (FeeEstimate, optional): The fee estimation mode. It can be one of the following values:
    • FeeEstimate.UNSET: No specific fee estimation mode is set.

    • FeeEstimate.ECONOMICAL: Economical fee estimation mode, which aims to minimize the transaction fee.

    • FeeEstimate.CONSERVATIVE (default): Conservative fee estimation mode, which aims to ensure faster confirmation by using a higher fee.

  • deduct_fee (bool, optional): Indicates whether the transaction fee should be deducted from the sent amounts. If set to True, the fee will be deducted evenly from all recipients’ amounts. Default is False.


  • str: The transaction ID (TXID) of the sent bulk transaction.

The send_bulk method internally calls the _build_and_send_transaction method to construct and send the transaction, passing the destinations dictionary instead of a single recipient address and amount.

The logic for constructing and sending the transaction is the same as in the send method, with the following differences: - The destinations parameter is a dictionary of recipient addresses and amounts, allowing for sending to multiple recipients in a single transaction. - If the deduct_fee parameter is set to True, the transaction fee will be deducted evenly from all recipients’ amounts. This means that each recipient will receive slightly less than the specified amount, as the fee is distributed among all recipients.


  • WrongPrivateKey: When an invalid private key is provided. The private key should be a valid Bitcoin private key.

  • ValueError: When an invalid Bitcoin address is provided as a recipient address in the destinations dictionary. All addresses should be valid Bitcoin addresses.

  • InsufficientFunds: When there are insufficient funds (UTXOs) available in the sender’s wallet to cover the total transaction amount and fee. This error occurs when the wallet does not have enough spendable UTXOs to construct the transaction.

  • NoUTXOsFound: When there are no UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) found for the sender’s address. This error occurs when the wallet monitoring process has not detected any spendable UTXOs associated with the sender’s address in the database.

Code Examples:

  1. Sending a bulk transaction with a custom total fee:

destinations = {
    "recipient_address_1": 1000000,  # 0.01 LTC
    "recipient_address_2": 500000,   # 0.005 LTC
    "recipient_address_3": 750000    # 0.0075 LTC
tx_id = await ltc_public_client.send_bulk(
    total_fee=10000  # 0.0001 LTC

In this example, a bulk transaction is sent to multiple recipients with a custom total fee of 10,000 satoshis (0.0001 LTC). The provided total fee will be used for the transaction, regardless of the transaction size.

  1. Sending a bulk transaction with a custom fee per byte:

destinations = {
    "recipient_address_1": 1000000,  # 0.01 LTC
    "recipient_address_2": 500000,   # 0.005 LTC
    "recipient_address_3": 750000    # 0.0075 LTC
tx_id = await ltc_public_client.send_bulk(
    fee_per_byte=10  # 10 satoshis per byte

Here, a custom fee per byte of 10 satoshis is specified. The actual transaction fee will be calculated based on the transaction size and the provided fee per byte value.

  1. Sending a bulk transaction with the fee deducted from the sent amounts:

destinations = {
    "recipient_address_1": 1000000,  # 0.01 LTC
    "recipient_address_2": 500000,   # 0.005 LTC
    "recipient_address_3": 750000    # 0.0075 LTC
tx_id = await ltc_public_client.send_bulk(

In this example, the deduct_fee parameter is set to True, indicating that the transaction fee should be deducted evenly from all recipients’ amounts. Each recipient will receive slightly less than the specified amount, as the fee is distributed among all recipients.

When calling the send_bulk method with different parameters, the following actions will be performed:
  • The provided private key will be used to sign the transaction.

  • The specified recipient addresses and amounts from the destinations dictionary will be used to construct the transaction outputs.

  • If a custom total fee is provided using the total_fee parameter, it will be used for the transaction.

  • If a custom fee per byte is provided using the fee_per_byte parameter, the transaction fee will be calculated based on the transaction size and the fee per byte value.

  • If neither total_fee nor fee_per_byte is provided, the fee will be estimated based on the conf_target and estimate_mode.

  • If deduct_fee is set to True, the transaction fee will be deducted evenly from all recipients’ amounts.

  • The transaction will be broadcast to the Litecoin network, and the transaction ID (TXID) will be returned.

Note: The send_bulk method is useful for scenarios where you need to send transactions to multiple recipients efficiently, as it combines multiple outputs into a single transaction, reducing the overall transaction fees compared to sending individual transactions to each recipient.

Please note that the examples assume you have a ltc_public_client instance properly configured with network and connection settings.