
For development we are able to run it locally without any changes. You should have docker installed locally! You should not use locally because it’s only for server deploy really (installing docker and issue ssl certs)


  1. Get and run ngrok Dowload and run ngrok it will create external https url for your local bot, so you will be able to run telegram bot on webhook. You should run it like
    ngrok http 80

    Put the domain from ngrok into DOMAIN variable.

  2. Fill .env variables from .sample.env example
  3. Run it
    docker compose up -d
  4. Rebuild After making some changes you are able to rebuild only single container using the command
    docker compose up --build --no-deps -d bot


    docker compose up --build --no-deps -d typescript-app

    After ngrok reloading url could be changed and you should change DOMAIN variable and rebuild nginx container

    docker compose up --build nginx -d