
async def get_balance(address) -> int:

Retrieve the balance of a given address on the TON (The Open Network) blockchain.


  • address (str): The TON blockchain address for which to retrieve the balance.


  • int: The balance of the specified address in nano grams (the smallest unit of TON cryptocurrency).


  • InvalidAddress: If the provided address is not a valid TON blockchain address.

  • AioTxError: If there is an error while making the RPC call to the TON node.

Example usage:

balance = await ton_client.get_balance(
print(f"Balance: {balance} nano grams")

In this example, the get_balance method is called with a TON blockchain address. It constructs an RPC payload with the “getAddressBalance” method and the provided address as a parameter. The method then sends the RPC request to the connected TON node using the _make_rpc_call method.

If the RPC call is successful, the method extracts the balance information from the response and returns it as an integer representing the balance in nano grams.