
def to_nano(
    number: Union[int, float, str, decimal.Decimal],
    unit: str = "ton"
    ) -> int:

Convert a given amount from a specified unit to nano grams, the smallest unit of TON cryptocurrency.


  • number (Union[int, float, str, decimal.Decimal]): The amount to be converted to nano grams. It can be an integer, float, string, or decimal.Decimal.

  • unit (str, optional): The unit of the number parameter. Default is “ton”. Supported units are:
    • “ton”: The amount is in TON.

    • “nano”: The amount is already in nano grams.

    • “micro”: The amount is in micro TON.

    • “milli”: The amount is in milli TON.

    • “kiloton”: The amount is in kilo TON.

    • “megaton”: The amount is in mega TON.

    • “gigaton”: The amount is in giga TON.


  • int: The converted amount in nano grams.


  • ValueError: If the provided number is not a valid numeric value or if an unsupported unit is specified.

Example usage:

amount_in_nano = ton_client.to_nano(1.5, unit="ton")
print(f"1.5 TON is equal to {amount_in_nano} nano grams")

In this example, the to_nano method is called with an amount of 1.5 and the unit “ton”. The method internally uses the tonsdk_to_nano function from the TON SDK to perform the unit conversion.

If the conversion is successful, the method returns the converted amount in nano grams as an integer.