async def transfer_jettons(
mnemonic: str,
to_address: str,
jetton_master_address: str,
amount: int,
memo: str = None,
seqno: int = None,
fee_amount: int = None
) -> str:
Transfers Jettons from the sender’s wallet to a specified recipient address.
mnemonic (str): The mnemonic phrase for the sender’s wallet.
to_address (str): The recipient’s TON blockchain address.
jetton_master_address (str): The address of the Jetton master contract.
amount (int): The amount of Jettons to transfer, in the smallest units of the Jetton.
memo (str, optional): An optional comment to attach to the transfer.
seqno (int, optional): The sequence number for the transaction. If not provided, it will be retrieved automatically.
fee_amount (int, optional): The amount of TON to attach for fees. If not provided, a default of 0.05 TON will be used.
str: The transaction hash of the transfer operation.
InvalidAddressError: If the provided to_address or jetton_master_address is invalid.
RpcConnectionError: If there’s an issue connecting to the TON RPC.
ValueError: If the amount is not a positive integer.
Example usage:
mnemonic = "your wallet mnemonic phrase here"
recipient_address = "EQCc39VS5jcptHL8vMjEXrzGaRcCVYto7HUn4bpAOg8xqB2e"
jetton_master_address = "EQAiboDEv_qRrcEdrYdwbVLNOXBHwShFbtKGbQVJ2OKxY_Di"
amount = 1000000000 # 1 Jetton (assuming 9 decimal places)
memo = "Payment for services"
tx_hash = await ton_client.transfer_jettons(
print(f"Transfer transaction hash: {tx_hash}")
In this example, we transfer 1 Jetton (assuming 9 decimal places) to the specified recipient address. The method returns the transaction hash of the transfer operation.
The amount should be specified in the smallest units of the Jetton (similar to how TON amounts are specified in nanotons).
The fee_amount is in nanotons. If not specified, a default of 0.05 TON (50,000,000 nanotons) will be used.
This method constructs and sends the necessary messages to perform the Jetton transfer according to the TON Jetton standard.
Ensure you have sufficient balance of both the Jetton and TON (for fees) in the sender’s wallet before initiating the transfer.