
async def transfer_jettons(
    mnemonic: str,
    to_address: str,
    jetton_master_address: str,
    amount: int,
    memo: str = None,
    seqno: int = None,
    fee_amount: int = None
) -> str:

Transfers Jettons from the sender’s wallet to a specified recipient address.


  • mnemonic (str): The mnemonic phrase for the sender’s wallet.

  • to_address (str): The recipient’s TON blockchain address.

  • jetton_master_address (str): The address of the Jetton master contract.

  • amount (int): The amount of Jettons to transfer, in the smallest units of the Jetton.

  • memo (str, optional): An optional comment to attach to the transfer.

  • seqno (int, optional): The sequence number for the transaction. If not provided, it will be retrieved automatically.

  • fee_amount (int, optional): The amount of TON to attach for fees. If not provided, a default of 0.05 TON will be used.


  • str: The transaction hash of the transfer operation.


  • InvalidAddressError: If the provided to_address or jetton_master_address is invalid.

  • RpcConnectionError: If there’s an issue connecting to the TON RPC.

  • ValueError: If the amount is not a positive integer.

Example usage:

mnemonic = "your wallet mnemonic phrase here"
recipient_address = "EQCc39VS5jcptHL8vMjEXrzGaRcCVYto7HUn4bpAOg8xqB2e"
jetton_master_address = "EQAiboDEv_qRrcEdrYdwbVLNOXBHwShFbtKGbQVJ2OKxY_Di"
amount = 1000000000  # 1 Jetton (assuming 9 decimal places)
memo = "Payment for services"

tx_hash = await ton_client.transfer_jettons(
print(f"Transfer transaction hash: {tx_hash}")

In this example, we transfer 1 Jetton (assuming 9 decimal places) to the specified recipient address. The method returns the transaction hash of the transfer operation.


  • The amount should be specified in the smallest units of the Jetton (similar to how TON amounts are specified in nanotons).

  • The fee_amount is in nanotons. If not specified, a default of 0.05 TON (50,000,000 nanotons) will be used.

  • This method constructs and sends the necessary messages to perform the Jetton transfer according to the TON Jetton standard.

  • Ensure you have sufficient balance of both the Jetton and TON (for fees) in the sender’s wallet before initiating the transfer.