
async def send_bulk(mnemonic: str,
destinations: list[dict]
) -> str:

Send TON tokens to multiple recipients in a single transaction using the HighloadWalletV2Contract.

Important: Before using the send_bulk method, you must create and deploy a HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet. The default wallet will not work with this method. Ensure that the wallet has sufficient balance to deploy itself and cover the transaction fees.


  • mnemonic (str): The mnemonic phrase of the sender’s HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet.

  • destinations (list[dict]): A list of dictionaries representing the recipient information. Each dictionary should contain the following keys:
    • address (str): The TON blockchain address of the recipient.

    • amount (int): The amount of TON tokens to send to the recipient, in nano grams.

    • payload (str, optional): The payload (memo) to include with the transaction for the recipient.

    • send_mode (int, optional): The send mode for the transaction (default is 1).


  • str: The transaction hash of the sent bulk transaction.

Example usage:

from aiotx.utils.tonsdk.contract.wallet import WalletVersionEnum
from aiotx.clients import AioTxTONClient
import asyncio

# Create a TON client with HighloadWalletV2Contract
bulk_ton_client = AioTxTONClient(
# Define the list of recipients
recipients_list = [
"address": "0QAEhA1CupMp7uMOUfHHoh7sqAMNu1xQOydf8fQf-ATpkbpT",
"amount": 1,
"payload": "Hello, recipient 1!",
"send_mode": 1,
"address": "UQDlTHD4T79EyT96gkYNKd3iuRd2__6gGh2PCKpU57jSWQ7j",
"amount": 10,
"payload": "Hello, recipient 5!",
"send_mode": 1,
# Deploy the HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet (required before sending)
tx_id = await bulk_ton_client.deploy_wallet("your mnemonic phrase here")

# Send TON tokens to multiple recipients using the send_bulk method
tx_id = await bulk_ton_client.send_bulk(
    "your mnemonic phrase here",
print("Transaction ID:", tx_id)

In this example, we create a TON client with the HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet version. We define a list of recipients, each with their address, amount to send, payload (memo), and send mode.

Before using the send_bulk method, we deploy the HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet using the deploy_wallet method and the sender’s mnemonic phrase. This step is necessary to ensure the wallet is ready to send transactions.

Finally, we call the send_bulk method with the sender’s mnemonic phrase and the list of recipients. The method returns the transaction hash of the sent bulk transaction.


  • Make sure to replace “your mnemonic phrase here” with the actual mnemonic phrase of the sender’s HighloadWalletV2Contract wallet.

  • Ensure that the wallet has sufficient balance to cover the deployment costs and transaction fees.